Hey Guys!
Sometimes I totally get the lazy day feeling. When you just want to sit and chill in comfy clothes and not really achieve anything substantial with your day. However, even on these days I never ever ever spend the day in my pyjamas! I feel like a naughty child if I go downstairs in my pyjamas. I just feels so un-natural ! But I do like to indulge in dressing in pyjama style trousers. I bought these last summer from H&M.
Even though I doesn’t look particularly daring for me it’s I feel this outfit looks a little dis-combobulated. Obviously its not created with a dizzying combination of patterns and colours, but I usually like my pallets to match. The continuing colour through the look is white, which is the perfect colour to be cool in summer. To me its really the orange that stands out, but its great to have an accent colour in summer looks.
Since it was a hot and sunny day I wore my mint, circle sunglasses and new snazzy new shoes. I used o adore my jelly shoes when I was little and without fail I would ALWAYS take them on holiday and wear them around home and the beach. Now I have my own adult pair of heeled jelly shoes, yay!
French Manicure painted all by myself, clever clogs!
As I’m sat here writing this, I have George Ezra Budapest playing which although has been floarting around the top ten for a few weeks, I’m only just starting to get into. I’m a little slow on this bandwagon. I’ve heard other stuff from George Ezra like Cassy O and Get Lonely With Me which I rather like too.
Oodles and Toodles
Row Bow