Hey Guys!
On Friday I went out to town with some of my old school buds. We went to Nando’s, my first time! Man, I’m such a wimp, I had my chicken on medium spiciness and that’s was a little hot for me! Then we went out and about the town, I didn’t really pay attention as to where we went because it was too noisy so I just followed everyone else. This is my meal and drinkies outfit.
I didn’t want to overdress, because I always do and I knew that if I didn’t restrain myself I’d have ended up going in a ball gown and 6-inch platform heels! (Not that I actually own either of the previous). I told myself that I wouldn’t wear this dress because it was too dressy for a meal out. But then I had half an hour to get ready and I put it on thinking, “Well, if I haven’t found anything else to wear in 30 minutes when I have to walk out the front door, at least I’ve got something on!”. But I decided that by teaming the dress with a cropped denim jacket and my pale,flat, lacey shoes I could look tone down the glam-ness. The jacket covers most of the print too, so it’s not too in your face. I tried to keep with a monochrome palette, note: very A/W!, with the only colour really being in the jacket. Except I had painted my nails the day before, and I thought I was going to wear a pink and red outfit. But they’re not too OTT- I’ll post them maybs tomorrow. My handbag fitted nicely with the black and white tones I was going for. Little info on the bag: It’s actually from Primark! But because it was one of the few prim and understated pieces they do, most people think it’s way more expensive! Paul’s Boutique have recently done a bag just like mine, but with a gold plate on the from with their logo. I’ve had my bag for a few years now, but some people are still like “Is that Paul’s Boutique?” I’m not sure I could afford to spend that much on a handbag. However, recently Primark have do a range of handbags very similar to mine, but with the bottom section of the bag being quilted- that’s when I get rumbled!
As it was an evening shindig, I chose to bling it up! I had my ring-bracelet combo on and two larger rings, a black & silver chunky star and a silver antique brooch style one. As you’ll see from my handmade ring-bracelet combo post, I have a small subdued ring attached to the piece. Since I was out on the Razz, I wanted to add more sparkle so I wore the broochy style ring over the top of the ring-bracelet’s ring. I usually wear all my jewellery on my left hand so to even it up a little I wore a neat joined hearts band around my right thumb.
I clipped my hair back with a chunky greeny/blue/purple hair clip (one with a chunky metal pinchy fastening). This was more suitable and durable for the elements during the evening.
My friend, la Belle Mel, took the photos of me today. Bellissimo! (They’re a little dark, but it was night time when darknes just kinda happens, hehe!)
Friday Night Out
Oodles and Toodles
Row Bow