Hey Guys!
Change of scenery for you today! I went to Falmouth at the end of last week, for an interview and I thought I’d show you what I wore. I chose an outfit which combines 2 key trends for this Spring Summer season. I wore a cream colours shirt with an off centre pussybow detail. I also had a cropped length white cardigan. These worked well for the pastel/almond/sugary colour this season. Normally, I don’t suit such pale colours, but by teaming them with a slightly darker skirt, tights and shoes it doesn’t become overpowering against my complexion. I have dark colours at the very top, being my hair, a dark waistband and dark from my thighs down. This might sound like a lot of thought behind the outift decision, but it comes naturally as I learn how I can make the most out of the trends.
The skirt has a faint, but still noticable, animal print- which plays into the busier pattern trend. I love the skirts shape because it has a wide elasticated waistband which really defines my waist. But by adding the cardigan it covers it, keeping a youthful look.
I didn’t acutally wear these boots into the interview, I chose the little black heels which I wore in my previous post. The boots don’t look too bad for a casual look, as the colours blend well with the rest of the outfit. But I wanted to look smart so I felt the heels work better.
I’ll let you know if I venture anywhere else!
By the Sea
Oodles and Toodles
Row Bow