Hey Guys!I just popped into town to change some clothes, and ended up coming out with more than I went in with! I’ve told myself this is the last time I go shopping for clothes this summer, but I don’t know how long that will last.
This outfits it based around a very neutral colour palette using whites and tans. The dress is one which originally thought was a little too much and I thought I would wait for it to be in the sale. I always say this and then get distracted by other sales and shops when it is finally reduced. But this one I managed to actually find in the sale. It’s a light pretty summer dress which is probably worn best with a slip underneath, but that didn’t cross my mind until I was already in town. A slip does something technical, like catching the friction on the inside of your garment, but is made from a material which won’t create further static friction with your underwear or tights. Confusing, but it basically means no VPLs or rising hemlines! I love the lace and golden stud detail on the front of the dress. It actually had a subtle yellow hint, but I still team it with a little white cardigan. Usually with a dress like this, the clingy sort, I wouldn’t wear a belt around my waist as it emphasises my tummy. If I do I usually wear tights underneath to suck it all in a bit better. But I chose to wrap the belt around the cardigan as well so the way the cardigan comes our below the belt, looks more like is falling upon my hips rather than tummy. Coincidentally, my handbag was also tan, white and yellow, so my shoes tied it all in together.
Also, notice my hair? I’ve successfully completed my first fish-tail plait! Go me! I know I’m a little behind on this bandwagon, but I’ve never really understood what you were actually meant to do when people explained it to me. Luckily, I found a video on YouTube while on a hair and beauty vid binge. She did, like, 4 really simple yet effective braids.
Hey, it’s Rowena Lauren!

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