I’ll admit that this probably isn’t the most teacher-like outfit I could have worn. If anything, I’ve down a classic Row Bow and dressed more like one of the children rather than a teacher. But hey, it makes me look cool and down with the kids. I think…
I love this cotton, denim-look shirt. Originally it was a charity shop find which I used for a shoot in my Art Foundation. I removed the sleeves using a quick un-pick and then sewed around the arm holes just to neaten up the edges. The beautiful white splurges (technical term there, folks!) were hand crafted by ones very own delicate hands. After pouring a sensible amount of thin bleach into an old ice cream container-that was to be binned after use, obvz- one simply graciously applies a small paintbrush to the solution and dots it all about, all over the place. Wiggle the paint brush any which way you fancy! Obviously in a controlled manner since I’m pretty sure Mumma K wasn’t after a matching set of white speckled tablecloth and chairs… After the bleach has taken the colour, leave it to dry and make sure you give it a good ol’ wash to remove the bleach so not to encourage the fabric to spoil and rot. Depending on your initial fabric choice you can get some pretty impressive results. I ended up with white dots surrounded by a snazzy pink haze. Whey-hey! Now I just need to get round to adding a few buttons around the collar because safety pinning it EVERYTIME is becoming a bit of a nuisance!
Oodles and Toodles
Super cute outfit! I love the little sailboat cardigan and good job on the customed denim shirt. It looks great x
Thanks Shay. I really enjoy customising my clothes, but I don't do it often enough!
Row Bow