Hey Guys!
I have never done so much manual labour in my life! This week was as much about fashion as it was about working on my muscles! I’m sure I’m going to develop pretty hench biceps now. Watchout for my work out DVD, coming to a store near you, HeHe! Also I can see a legs, bums and tums version since I ran up and down the stairs far too many times. I did get a little lazy towards the end and just used the lift, even when I wasn’t actually carrying anything. The thing is, buy the time it actually came every time, I could have gone down the stairs. That’s how lazy I got!
I chose trousers for this since I didn’t mind as much if they got dirty. They kept me warm today as well, since the weather got very chilly today. My hair was not playing game this morning so I scraped it back into a top bun and left it be. Boots were the way forward as I knew I’d be walking all around the huge building many times today.
We had a really interesting talk at the end by one of the people in charge. At the end it was almost inspirational and uplifting. We all thought we could go home on a high, but then he was like “You can go on lunch now, see you in 45 minutes.” A little anti-climactic if you ask me.
I made the journey home today with only one extra bag with me. Not bad, usually come home with many bags full of shopping. But one bag of nabbed freebies isn’t bad!
London Fashion Week: Pack Away Day
Oodles and Toodles
Row Bow