I know that I said I would post this little post about the 1940’s hair I wore on Friday, over the weekend, but my internet has been soo poopey that I literally couldn’t do anything on it. It’s coming back to me, slowly but surely so I thought I’d have a crack at putting it on now even if it kills me!
This is the post I am talking about, and I’m going to talk you though how to do it. I have created what I think is called a “Suicide Roll” and I have no idea why it’s called that, I think it’s quite cute really. I got this idea of wearing my hair like this from Amy from the band Karmin. She has even been kind enough to put a video online about how she does her roll. I watched this vid at the beginning of the year, maybe earlier! My way is very similar but slightly different because my hair type (frizzball I’m trying to pass off as curly) and style (grown out fringe) are not the same as hers.