I saw Sophie from Darling Sophie rock this hair do with her Green ombre hair and decided I defo needed to give it a whirl, I’d been dying to anyway. I don’t think ever in my life time has my hair been long enough to pin it up like this. I then noticed, while doing a little research for the Assistant Beauty Editor at Style mag, that Zoella had posted about ‘Milkmaid Braids’ (as she called them) the previous Sunday. We must all be the cool kids since great minds think alike and all! I even got a compliment from the lady who works opposite me in the office when we met in the loos. And the intern who sits along from me said how cute it looked. Lovely Jubbly!
Since I’d seen the general office attire yesterday, I decided to go a little more Row Bow style-ee today. This basically means whipping out a pink dress, hehe! I think my pretty hair and this dress look super cute together. Very little girly! I put on a navy cardigan for a little extra warmth, because it’s a wee bit nippy in the early morn. However, what I hadn’t noticed until the end of the day was that the (p)leather cap sleeves attempt to protrude out of the cardi. Giving me a pair of beautifully dench shoulders. It’s a bit of a weird look, but I’m not sure how many people actually noticed, they were all captivated by my hair!
Sock and tights is a bit of a weird combination, but I adore these little white frilly socks and think they look uber cute with my hard-nut spiked trainers.
Oodles and Toodles
Cute hair and outfit! 🙂
Aww, Thanks Sophie! I love experimenting with my hair now it's a good length.
Row Bow