Hey Guys!
Oh dear! These outfit posts (the point of the blog) are lacking a little! Just as I get back into the swing of doing them regularly, another mountain of work avalanches on top of me. This time it’s UCAS Round 2! I kind of messed up last year with it all, but I’ve got my head in the game now and I’m totally sure and applying to places I actually want to go to this year. Exciting times! But since I’ve bigged up my blogs and flickr, I need to get crack-a-lacking with it all again.
This is an outfit which I wore, what feels like forever ago, when I went down south to see my buds at Uni. I wanted to keep the look pretty caj so I was comfortable with all the trains (left, right switching trains- get the reference? HeHe, I’m soo witty! (It’s RB-Friday)) But as we know I like to look pretty so I went understated dressy. Monochrome is big this A/W season. I kept my basic colour pallet to this with a white v-neck tee and some black leggings. Obvz I had the usual thick leggings and long socks hidden underneath! I have my grey boots on, which are disintegrating so you’ll be seeing less of them now. If it was warmer weather and I didn’t have to wear sensible shoes for the whole day I’d have gone with my white lacey dollie shoes. Or perhaps my brown butterfly dollie shoes. But be careful because as you introduce light colours by showing pale feet, dark shoes may break the pattern up making you appear paler or a little weird. The pink blazer is where the fun, girly RowBow-ness comes out but also the elements of understated dressy. It looks more smart as it is a blazer which generally smartens up any outfit. But due to the pastel pink and cream of the blazer it looks more relaxed and casual. If it had been a darker colour I would have looked like I was about to attend a corporate meeting to discuss ways to increase out profit margins whilst benefiting our shareholders dividends. (Yes, I did pay attention in Economics!) My nails were a little shabby, but from the photo the look bearable. They were a “Bright Purple”- that’s what the bottle tells me. So to go with them I chose the owl necklace my friend who I visited gave me, as it has a few purple gems so it links in. My bracelet consists of pearly pinks and browns which blends well with my reasonably muted pallet.
I kept my hair down as it balanced my look of dark on the bottom and pale in the middle. I went a little fancy on the make-up and wore my (then new) red lippy. I had been looking for one that wasn’t so bright red but had more of a hint of orange in it. This is closer but ideally I like a teenie bit more orange in it.
My friend Char took the piccys for me here, and she decided that I needed to show a few more details of my outfits as they are sometimes hard to see. She’s a dedicated What Row Chose follower, hehe! Natch, since I took these I’ve forgotten but maybe it’ll be my New Years resolution.
Hey, it’s Rowena Lauren!
Welcome to my self-indulgent vanity project, a.k.a my blog