Hey Guys!
Since my first day casting London Fashion Week Models went so well, they let me stay for the week. Yay! This time I got a sneak peek into the studio of J. JS Lee. I even made it onto their Instagram…but they put blur on the photo so I just look like a fuzzy blob to the left of the image. If I’m honest I was probably a little too colourful for their colour scheme.
I was working with my housemate who studies the same course as me and since we were so on point the previous day, the Casting Director left us to it half way through the day. Such responsibility! I didn’t really explain what kind of things I do as a model caster in my previous post. What am I like, hey? There are two main roles, one to photograph and video the models as they come in- you have to collect their models card from them when they walk in too. And filing- which is what I like to do because I like monotonous jobs like that! I have to take all the photos and videos taken through the day and file them away into folders, which is way harder than it sounds because I have to try and match short videos to the photos and they all wear the same thing to a casting!
One of the models said she liked my cute scruchie and jumper today. I am sooo in there, I’ll be having a chin-wag down the phone to Cara next!
Oodles and Toodles