Hey Guys!
I think patterned trousers can be the coolest thing ever, if worn in the right way. Naturally, it depends what your chosen trousers actually look like, but I’d almost always say wear them with a plain top. Crop tops work well in warmer weather, but on this particular day the weather decided to rain on me during the walk to work. I own hardly any regular t-shirts, mine are all crop, sheer or jumpers. Not ideal when working at a primary school during the warmer month, right? Fun Fact: Initially I bought this plain black tee from Primark for my GCSE Drama exam piece. I think I’ve worn it like 4 times since all that time ago. But I know I’ll always keep it since I’m told a black t-shirt is one of those wardrobe basic staples.
Do you like my scarf? It is an authentic Indian creation Daddy Bow brought back from his recent business trip to India. It’s super pretty with the bold pink colourings and glittery threads running through it.
Oodles and Toodles