Hey Guys!
If you’re following me on Instagram (@rowenalaurenk if not, get on that guururrll!), you would have seen my recent cake adventures and the following celebratory 21st post. Don’t worry you didn’t miss my birthday, you’ve still got a little while to sort out something lovely for me! It was my my housemate Hannah’s big 21st. Naturally as students, we fulfilled expectations and went totally wild, by going for afternoon tea… It was the epitome of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Super cute, super fun and beautifully british. Perfect way to celebrate a 21st in my eyes.
Jenny, Maddie and I doing our thing and striking a pose.
I was having a teenie meltdown over what to wear. When I was recently at home home, I saw a dress that would be perfect and made a mental note to pack it. But mental notes don’t work as well as real life note,s so I forgot it. Instead I thought I’d road test my new charity shop skirt find, originally from Wallis, I paid it for only £3. #TotalBarg! But the problem was that I have literally nothing to wear with it. I ended up raiding the birthday girl’s wardrobe for this pretty peng crop top. It’s from Zara, so I think I defo need to start having a cheeky look in there!
Of course no 21st birthday is complete without a photo montage and appropriately soppy message! Click on the pic to see what I wrote…
Oodles and Toodles
Row Bow
your skirt is so gorgeous! What a bargain! You cannot go wrong with polka dot x
I know right! Love a good charity shop purchase.
Row Bow