Hey Guys!
I keep changing my mind as to whether I want to dye my full head, or maybe dip dye, or ombre (similar thing). If I want it blonde, purple or pink. It’s just too many decisions to decide! So after having a reasonably lazy afternoon yesterday I thought maybe I should just try out some colours in my hair and see what works best. I did this all without using any hair dye! But Row Bow, how did you manage to achieve such results with no dye? The answer is… I used chalk. Regular, plain old chalk. (Well, that is a very small lie. It was actually Soft Pastels as they were bigger and have more vivid colours) The great thing about using chalk is that, for an art student especially, it’s something I always have just lying in a draw waiting to be used. It means I can test out one colour one day and switch it up really easily the next day. I watched Kandee Johnson’s video on this AGES ago, and I watch Helen Melonaldy’s video yesterday. I just couldn’t resist having a go myself!
In case your internet can’t handle a video right now (mine has it’s moments!) I’ve written a simple step-by-step of how to chalk your hair. I don’t have any process photos because I wasn’t too sure it was going to work. And my hands got a little messy!
How to chalk your hair:
You Will Need:
-Chalk/Pastels. Lots of bold and bright colours
-Spray bottle with water or heat protector in
-Your hair
-Gloves (although I didn’t use them I think its a good idea)
-Towel (and/or old clothes)
-Possibly a sink to do it over
-Hair Dryer/Straighteners/Curling Tongs
1. Wrap a towel around your shoulders to protect your clothes from the wet colour. Its probably best to do this in your bathroom, but I just did it in front of a mirror in my room.
2. As my hair is really curly, I didn’t brush it before hand as it would have gone frizzy. But if you have brushable hair I would suggest make it as smooth as possible so it is easier to get a even coverage. If you have curly hair like me, we just have to work the colour a little more.
3. OPTIONAL STEP. Depending on your layers it might be easiest to pin up the top half of your hair and colour your hair in two sections. This is what I did.
4. Pop your gloves on. (I didn’t do this but I hate the feeling of chalk and I really wish I did use them) Get a small section of hair, couple of inches, and spray it with the water or heat protector. Kandee used water, but Helen used heat protector. I think it’s good to use heat protector as you have to apply heat to seal the colour anyway. So you might as well protect it before hand. It’s the moisture you need to keep the colour on the hair. So it’s not be all and end all is you use water.
5. Keeping the wet section in your hand choose your desired colour, mine was purple, and start colouring in your hair. I used downward strokes so it doesn’t bunch up the hair. Once you’ve coloured all around the hair, you can release the top section of hair that was pinned up and repeat the process.
6. I used a Hair Dryer to dry my newly coloured hair and it meant I could keep my natural curls with the look. Use your hand to move the hair about, if you use a brush I think the chalk will come out. If you have smoother hair, after blow drying you hair you could use straighteners or a curling tong. I would defo blow dye first, so you don’t ruin the plates in the other styling tools.
7. To remove the chalk simply rinse it out with water. I only coloured the tips, but when it’s all wet I forgot how far up I’d coloured so I had to rinse the whole of my head to make sure I had it out. But my hair was still left a little dry so a full shampoo and condition and it should be back to normal.
The chalk does come out easily if you lean on it and it makes your hair feel very dry and dusty, but hey, it looks cool! I think had I straightened it, it would have been much smoother.
I love it! I think if I try out another few colours I’ll soon be decided on what colour I want to do my hair. Or maybe I’ll stick to chalking it forever and ever!
Really quickly before I go, a new track by The Saturdays has had it’s premiere. Disco Love is the third (4th if 30 Days makes it on) song from The Saturdays up coming album. I do like the song but I feel it seems a bit easy compared to the more creative previous What About Us? and Gentleman. The video look really good with the girls going through the different era. I love the 1990’s set up. My childhood. I have probably rocked each of the girls looks at some point in my childhood. But I won’t be looking for the photographical evidence!
I love chalking my hair but the colour just transfer everywhere and it's not very long lasting [about 6-8 hours] so that's why I don't really like this method 🙁
I Took Part in Nivea's #DareToDip Campaign!
It was fun to play about with the colours. But I do understand, I had to make sure I didn't rest on my hair or the chalk came off. I coloured a few chair backs during the day!
Row Bow